Chaos the English Way: The British Chapter of the Chaos Project

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In the not so distant “happy peaceful times,” August was the month of the political cucumber season,
when people, institutions, and businesses in the western world went on vacation,
life stopped a bit, events did not happen, and the simple journalist
was sweating blood to fill the entrusted column with something. Today, in this turned-out world, we just have to choose from the most extreme events.
There is everything here, woke Olympics, Ukrainian counterattack, Middle East, and almost
civil war in Britain.

The latter is special because if we look deeper into the events, frightening processes unfold,
which show a very undesirable version of the future.

It began with a young man of immigrant origin, specifically of Rwandan descent but born in Cardiff,
so he is considered a British citizen, who felt like stabbing. The
17-year-old boy’s act resulted in three dead and eight injured children. The British authorities initially considered it most important to hide the identity
and motive of the perpetrator. Mainstream media and politics – including King Charles III –
were mainly occupied with expressing sympathy from a distance, and most of all with
covering up and trivializing the murderer’s Rwandan origin and religious affiliation,
so as not to draw attention to the blind faith in the so-called “successful” migrant integration.
Readers familiar with liberal rhetoric know the usual mantras, cliches in these situations: isolated event, difficult childhood, racism, fascist whites, lack of education, etc.

The brutality of the case and the age of the victims thoroughly upset the
“native” British society, who are still able and willing to stand up for their important values.
Cities burned for days, law enforcers beat the Brits,
whoever they could, rounded up and thrown into prison. Approximately a thousand participants
of the protests have been arrested by the authorities by now. Trials have begun, expedited judgments
have resulted in imprisonment ranging from about six months to two years.
The convicted, as well as the arrested, are all right-wing British citizens,
I intentionally do not mention skin color, but it can be guessed, let’s say, “pale-faced.”
Of course, those videos showing lonely whites being chased, then beaten by dozens of masked men,
mostly with police assistance, well, these are all part of Russian propaganda, as Putin wants peaceful
Great Britain to descend into chaos. This, of course, is nonsense, but various British government officials quickly hinted at the possibility that the whole situation could escalate due to foreign, internet interventions,
which could involve actors such as Russia and Elon Musk. For some reason, Viktor Orbán has been left out from this circle for now, which is surprising for more seasoned media consumers, maybe he is on vacation.

What is even more terrifying when analyzing the activities of the British authorities is that
next month two!!! 12-year-old boys will stand trial because they took part in the protests and threw a couple of rocks at the police, then fled on their bikes. Let’s repeat it, two 12-year-old children. I am not familiar with the relevant sections of British criminal law,
but it is known that under much-criticized Hungarian rule of law, those under 14 years of age who commit a crime cannot face repercussions,
because their age is considered an exclusionary factor for criminal responsibility according to the law. This also means that the process does not even start once it is revealed that the perpetrator was under 14 years old at the time of the crime. The situation has escalated to the point where one of the 12-year-old boys is being held in custody by the authorities because, due to a special judge, the child, who participated in two different riots, is accused of “participating more actively in violence and disorder than any other defendant I have seen in these courts, whether adult or child…”. Based on these statements, we can conclude that in 2024, the greatest danger to British society will be posed by 12-year-old, white, internet and social media consumers, especially if they are Twitter/Facebook users, maybe Christian, but certainly not Muslim, and mentally under Russian influence.
At least they are a greater danger than that 18-year-old immigrant background, Muslim young man who raped a 13-year-old British girl, and then defended himself in court claiming that, according to the Koran, violence against a non-Muslim is not a crime, or even a form of glory. Following this, the court did not consider him a threat to British society, so they released him.

And just when we think it can’t get any worse, here comes The Telegraph,
a “prestigious” mainstream publication, trying to please its readers with this:

“In Great Britain, men are subjected to pregnancy tests before X-rays.
The rule applies to every patient between 12 and 55 years old. They are also asked to fill out a form indicating their sex at birth and their preferred pronoun.
The “instructions” were developed after a transgender “man,” who did not know they were pregnant, underwent a potentially harmful computerized tomography scan. The Telegraph notes that in some hospitals, because of “humiliating checks” for men, they leave the doctor’s office,
and some women burst into tears over fertility-related questions.
Radiologists are asked to “return to sanity.”

This is where the Chaos project is in the island country. The phrase taken in an intentionally anglicized way in the title could be the first sentence of a sci-fi novella, if we did not know that the basic condition for the establishment of the world government so eagerly desired by the shadow government is the chaos extended over the whole world,
which, according to them, will bring humanity the desire for leaders or a group of individuals capable of creating order. Although they are on a seemingly “good” path, this path is paved with blood, sweat, and tears.

But we can now confidently state that two things are missing from the states calling themselves liberal democracies: liberalism and democracy. These two terms, which once saw better days, have now become caricatures of themselves and have deteriorated into the definition of chaos.

Ivan Hajda

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