The NATO spokesperson tried to cool down Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski.
In an interview with the Financial Times, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski spoke about the obligation of Poland and other countries neighboring Ukraine to shoot down Russian missiles before they reach their airspace. He believes that NATO membership does not neutralize the responsibility of member countries to protect their own airspace. He adds that the closer the missiles are allowed to get, the greater the risk of casualties, so it is worth shooting them down over Ukraine.
The Ukrainian side also supports this arrangement, which was previously discussed by the two parties within the framework of a military cooperation agreement.
The NATO spokesperson commented on Sikorski’s statements to the Europa Press news agency, stating that the alliance’s primary goal is to prevent the escalation of the Russian conflict, so NATO is not and will not be involved in the Ukrainian conflict. The spokesperson emphasized that every NATO member country has the right to defend its own airspace, but warned that actions by individual countries in defense of Ukraine will have consequences for the entire alliance. Therefore, he recommends closer cooperation and continuous consultation among member states.