The global elite endangers our existence

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The intentional destruction of agriculture and blaming carbon dioxide emissions.

Fricz Tamás

Strong government action is needed against the global and progressive mainstream, against the global elite. This is one of the most important things in the current changed domestic and world political situation, as Viktor Orbán said in Tusnádfürdő, on the threshold of a new world order. In the new world order, the global elite is playing an increasingly dominant role.

Take this, for example. One of many. The European Union, under the direction of the global elite, systematically destroys agriculture with its measures. But this is not only happening in Europe, but also in a broader sense in the West.

The European Commission, and the member states servilely following them – like Germany – are taking measures one after the other that will inevitably result in the collapse of traditional agriculture and animal husbandry that has been the basis of our daily bread and sustenance so far, just threatening that what has provided us with our daily bread and sustenance so far will end, will be ruined, farmers will be ruined, and we will simply starve.

Denmark recently announced that it will introduce a livestock tax on cattle, pigs, and sheep by 2030. Stating that the natural emissions of these animals cause huge damage because they emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere! This is behind the green ideology, the European Union’s Green Deal, the starting point of which is nothing else but the idea that global warming is caused by human carbon dioxide emissions, related to agriculture because, for example, cows emit a lot of methane into the atmosphere.

The measures introduced by the EU and individual Western states are diverse but point in the same direction. First: forcing farmers to leave certain areas uncultivated, devastate land, cease their activities for climate protection. A few months ago, farmers in the Netherlands were forced to do this, putting about three thousand farmers in an impossible situation.

On the other hand, it should be noted that some members of the global elite, such as Bill Gates, are buying vast agricultural land for themselves. Why? Just so that when food supply reaches its endpoint on Earth, he still has plenty of space to avoid the unpleasant consequences?

Second: measures related to taxation that affect farmers. This includes the elimination of tax breaks for diesel-powered agricultural machinery in Germany, France, and other countries, raising other taxes, tightening livestock regulations, etc., putting farmers in an almost impossible situation. Thirdly, price increases, whether in fertilizers, other agrochemicals, not to mention the general increase in energy prices, withdrawal of subsidies.

Fourth: Brussels is increasingly moving towards allowing non-GMO products into Europe, giving in to demands from the US government and mega-corporations, perhaps only with the condition that the presence of GMOs must be indicated on these products at all times. But over time, they will introduce concessions here as well, or rename GMO products as product number two, just as in some countries parents are no longer fathers and mothers, but number one and number two parents, regardless of gender. Brussels’ imagination is unlimited when it comes to making decisions and gradually getting the European people to accept measures that contribute to the destruction of European life…

Fifth, the flood of Ukrainian agricultural products into the European market is a specific, tangible sin of Brussels, which poses a direct and clear, imminent danger to European, especially Eastern and Central European farmers. It is well known that the regulations regarding Ukrainian agricultural products are much less stringent and lenient than those within the Union, the quality of Ukrainian products (from grain to food) is much weaker than that of Europeans: hence, Ukrainian products simply cannot compete with European ones in terms of price.

Protests may be going on, but the European Commission was able to revoke its temporary ban on Ukrainian products until May, and now Ukrainian goods can freely flow back into the Union, instead of reaching their original destinations – Africa and the Middle East…

It is clear that every step taken by Brussels and the European leaders serving the Brussels-based globalist elite intentionally destroys European agriculture. Normal leaders wouldn’t and couldn’t do that. Behind this, as generally behind liberal and globalist endeavors – since the French Revolution and the rise of Freemasonry – lies once again a world-changing ideology. They believe in it, and it is now evident that global warming is becoming increasingly destructive, the Earth’s climate is becoming unbearable, but according to them, there is only one cause: human activity, mainly and decisively anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions.

But is this really the cause of global warming, which we can’t even say for sure is causing huge damage to the inhabitants of the Earth? While it is certain that the Earth has experienced higher average temperatures in its history, and these have indeed been fruitful periods in our history. So let’s stop and focus on the essence here. And the essence is that the intentional destruction of agriculture – the foundation of our existence for millennia – is not a random act, but a consequence of a total ideology in which decision-makers either believe or are unable/unwilling to resist the dictates of the global elite in this matter.

The green ideology is exactly like the communist, Nazi, or current extreme liberal ideology: it wants to bring paradise on Earth by simply eliminating human carbon emissions – by 2050 according to the plans, but 2035 is also an important date. There’s just one problem: the whole premise is either questionable and unproven or even worse: false and misleading.

We need to dig deep, starting with the leaders of the EU member states, instead of blindly following Brussels’ self-destructive, suicidal plans and, even worse, its concrete measures now! We shouldn’t be negotiating concessions, but talking about the essence: is there any truth in the “scientific” explanations behind Brussels’ steps? Because if it turns out that the climate ideology and hysteria are simply not true, that global warming is not caused by human carbon dioxide emissions, then what is really going on? And what kind of cowardice is it that states can’t stand up to this, when doubts are strong?

Of course, many government leaders say: if there is scientific consensus on human guilty activities, what can we do? What about me if I were asked directly: is it really so certain that global warming is caused by humans, not by the Sun’s activity, Earth’s ever-changing orbit, cosmic processes over which we have no influence and cannot have? Is it possible that the cloud cover that constantly blankets two-thirds of the Earth inherently limits the greenhouse effect? Is it possible that water vapor also plays a role in the processes, and not everything can be attributed to humans, or to carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere in a very brutal amount, about 0.04 percent? Can’t we ask about all this?

Oh, that would be bad for the political leader’s press, oh, that would mean being excluded from the inner circle of the global, especially Davos elite? Why don’t they refer to this when blindly following Brussels’ directives? Because if they did, I would understand them with some disdain, but I would understand: there is a need for power, there is a need for money, in the end, they may still be excluded from the elite circles, God forbid… But I don’t really understand them. I rather despise them because of their abominable actions against Europe and agriculture.

And my questions may be passionate. But this is not child’s play: it is about life and death for people, nothing less.

Here and now we could still do something. Let’s do everything to save agriculture, let’s fight against the global warming ideology that exclusively attributes global warming to human carbon dioxide emissions, a completely one-sided and unproven ideology that the global elite wants to impose on the world, and Europe is obediently following this agenda.

We are truly on the verge, or even in the midst, of a change in the global order, and one of its most important elements is the increasingly strong desire of the global elite to transform the world. We must see this clearly and act accordingly before it’s too late!

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