Transparency International in Hungary has been on Soros’ leash since the 2010s

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Évtizedek óta Soros pórázán a magyarországi Transparency International

The Hungarian branch of Transparency International (TI) is largely funded by George Soros’ institutions and the European Commission, and the organization’s corruption findings, which discredit our country, are used in Brussels reports condemning Hungary – this is the operating method that emerges from information gathered about the foundation, which claims to be “independent,” in the upcoming report of the Sovereignty Protection Office. It also reveals that TI in Hungary has been linked to SZDSZ circles from the beginning and has even collapsed literally because Soros didn’t send the dollars at that time.

According to our information, the Sovereignty Protection Office is reportedly finalizing its report on the Hungarian foundation of Transparency International, based on investigations in recent months.

As detailed in the report, the foundation is described as using pseudoscientific methods to measure corruption, manipulative and disinformation-driven, serving global interests, and funded mostly from abroad.

Soros’ institutions pay about half of TI Hungary’s expenses, but the foundation has received money from political opponents of our country, such as the European Commission or the German Marshall Fund, a background power organization of American foreign policy interests in Europe.

The report of the Sovereignty Protection Office also sheds light on the fact that the Hungarian TI is not truly independent, operating to serve global interest groups, and provides reports that find their way into Brussels country reports condemning Hungary, ultimately leading to EU institutions initiating procedures against Hungary.

This was the case with the European Parliament’s Sargentini report. All these indirectly cause political and economic damage to our country.

The investigation by the Sovereignty Protection Office reveals, among other things, that the Hungarian TI:

* cannot be considered independent in terms of its financial background or activities, and is explicitly serving global interest groups.
* cannot be considered transparent, as the foundation refused to cooperate with the Sovereignty Protection Office and did not provide insight into its contracts with foreign actors.

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